dRC Programs
Besides our many services, dRC has unique programs to increase independence for people with disabilities. Most of our programs are targeted for a specific topic, goal, or objective.
Just like our client services, all dRC programs are free of charge.
Check out the programs listed below, or click the following link to check out our Anti-Bullying Page.

Chatty Cafe
Chatty Café is a peer support group for adults with all types of disabilities. Participants are encouraged to suggest discussion topics, activities, and speakers that will bring interest to the group. Examples of topics previously discussed are, but not limited to, positive mental health, dealing with depression, confronting discrimination, dealing with difficult people, facing day-to-day challenges as a person with a disability, etc.
For more information about Chatty Café and how to become involved please call (865) 637-3666 or email: mshipstad@drctn.org.
X-Treme Challenge
dRC’s X-Treme Challenge is a program/presentation that involves people experiencing disability awareness firsthand. This interactive presentation includes activities such as a Beeper Ball game – baseball or kickball with players being blindfolded, a wheelchair obstacle course, a white cane walk, Simon Says using sign language, etc. Participants experience, in a fun and positive way, the physical and attitudinal barriers faced by people with disabilities. dRC will bring our X-Treme Challenge to your business, school, university, agency, community center, summer program, etc., free of charge (upon request).
To schedule and reserve an X-Treme Challenge presentation please call (865) 637-3666 or email Mike Scripa at: mscripa@drctn.org.
Access Knoxville
Access Knoxville is a program informing the Knoxville community of the most accessible, disability-friendly restaurants, theaters, hotels/motels, retail stores, etc., within the Knox County area. Access Surveys, along with ADA requirements and instructions, have been created to rate the ADA Compliance of a public facility. This is not a survey to be used for “legal purposes” or for negative publicity in any way! The Access Knoxville program is to assist the facility in knowing what to do and how to do it to increase and maintain accessibility for people with disabilities in regard to equal inclusion for their business. After completing the survey, we ask you to please return your survey to dRC so we can review your findings. We will list the most accessible business, retail stores, theaters, etc., on our website to encourage people with disabilities to frequent these facilities in appreciation for their equal access and inclusion. We will proudly feature these businesses knowing that patrons with disabilities will have a positive experience while visiting them, and this will also provide our high scorers some free positive publicity!
If you are interested in conducting the Access Knoxville Survey, please call (865) 637-3666 or email Mike Scripa at: mscripa@drctn.org.